Black Pearl SRI 2
Γράσο πολυουρίας υψηλών επιδόσεων και υψηλών θερμοκρασιών
Black Pearl Syn HD 2
Υψηλών επιδόσεων γράσο με αντοχή σε ακραίες θερμοκρασίες
Cetus DE 100
Ultra high performance synthetic compressor lubricant
Cetus HiPerSYN Oil 220
High performance synthetic compressor lubricant
Cetus HiPerSYN Oil 46
High performance synthetic compressor, bearing, and gear lubricant
Cetus PAO
ISO 32, 46, 68, 150
Ultra high performance synthetic compressor fluids
Cetus VDL
32, 46, 68, 100, 150
Υψηλών επιδόσεων λιπαντικά για συμπιεστές
Clarity Synthetic EA Gear Oil 100
High performance biodegradable EPA and VGP-compliant gear oil
Clarity Synthetic EA Hydraulic Oil 100
High performance biodegradable EPA and VGP-compliant hydraulic oil
Clarity Synthetic Hydraulic Oil AW
ISO 32, 46, 68
Premium performance high productivity synthetic hydraulic fluid
Compressor Oil EP VDL
ISO 32, 46, 68, 100, 150
High performance extended life compressor fluid
High Temp Premium 2
High performance extreme temperature grease
Marfak Bio Elitesyn HD
0, 2
Λιπαντικό γράσο EAL υψηλών επιδόσεων (Πρώην Clarity Synthetic EA Grease)
Marfak Heavy Duty 2
Proven performance fibrous sodium soap grease
Marfak Na EP 2
Γράσο άξονα προπέλας αποδεδειγμένων επιδόσεων
PMO Premium
150, 220, 320
Proven performance paper machine oil
Paper Machine Oil XL
150, 220, 320
High performance paper machine lubricant
Ulti-Plex Synthetic Grease EP
High performance high temperature synthetic grease